Evidence that Tse2 and Tsi2 work as expected
This evidence can be found on [http://2010.igem.org/Team:Washington/Gram_Negative/Test this page] from the 2010 UW iGEM Wiki, under the heading "Evidence that Tse2 and Tsi2 are Function As Expected"
Applications of BBa_K314202
Tse2 and Tsi2 locus can be combined with the Type 6 Secretion System to result in a bacterium that targets other Gram-negative bacteria for killing. By placing your own regulation upstream of the Tse2Tsi2 locus, you can induce toxin expression whenever you like in order to control bacteria-bacteria killing.
This idea was used as a probiotic application (turning on the toxin in response to the detection of potentially pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria). This was the goal behind the Gram-negative portion of the [http://2010.igem.org/Team:Washington 2010 UW iGEM project].
User Reviews
UNIQ94fcc1cc9f1917b2-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ94fcc1cc9f1917b2-partinfo-00000001-QINU